Daring, quietly searing, funny and profoundly poignant...
— Globe and Mail
Ganatra’s direction is reminiscent of the Coen Brothers. Her sharp visual storytelling and dynamic comedy performances captured with bold frames and kinetic energy balances the tension of the series. Hulu’s Deli Boys is in expert hands. The first episode is a stylish thrilling ride.
— New York Times
Every comedy should hope to be this timely and clever.
— Indiewire
Hollywood could learn a thing or two about how to be truthful and lighthearted at the same time from Nisha Ganatra.
— The New York Times
Skillfully directed with an eye for both character and comedy
— Kenneth Turan LA Times
Ganatra brings to her films a certain energy and creativity that mark the best indie features
— Filmmaker Magazine
Treats delicate topics with wit, sensitivity, and humor...
— Variety
Nisha Ganatra is one of America’s best young directors when it comes to eliciting superb performances from her casts.
— Boston Phoenix
Daring, quietly searing, funny and profoundly poignant...
— Globe and Mail
Ganatra’s direction is reminiscent of the Coen Brothers. Her sharp visual storytelling and dynamic comedy performances captured with bold frames and kinetic energy balances the tension of the series. Hulu’s Deli Boys is in expert hands. The first episode is a stylish thrilling ride.
— New York Times
Every comedy should hope to be this timely and clever.
— Indiewire
Hollywood could learn a thing or two about how to be truthful and lighthearted at the same time from Nisha Ganatra.
— The New York Times
Skillfully directed with an eye for both character and comedy
— Kenneth Turan LA Times
Ganatra brings to her films a certain energy and creativity that mark the best indie features
— Filmmaker Magazine
Treats delicate topics with wit, sensitivity, and humor...
— Variety
Nisha Ganatra is one of America’s best young directors when it comes to eliciting superb performances from her casts.
— Boston Phoenix
Daring, quietly searing, funny and profoundly poignant...
— Globe and Mail